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Case Management services assist individuals to make personal choices as well as identify and access services or supports which would lead to the most satisfying and normal community life style possible. Case managers coordinate the development of a person-centered plan that lists the actions required to meet the identified needs and desires of individuals served. Planning processes incorporate all services/supports needed and received by the individual.

Each individual receiving services through Vaughn-Blumberg is assigned a case manager through SpectraCare. One of the primary roles the case manager serves is to be an advocate for the individuals receiving services. The case manager attempts to ensure each person and family caring for that individual are aware of services that are available to meet identified needs. The case manager maintains a relationship with each person through ongoing contact at the program and home visits throughout the year.

Rental Policy

Merchandise is the sole responsibility of the Renter – any item returned damaged will be charged to the renter.

Pick-up Friday by noon. Return Monday by noon.

Fern Rentals:

Keep brown bags
Keep ferns out of the sun
Do not keep fern in car overnight
Ferns only ride in an enclosed car or trailer, not in the back of a pick-up truck.

Items are not reserved until the non-refundable 25% deposit is received. The deposit will be applied to the total cost.

Delivery/pick-up fee inside the city limits is $100.00.

Delivery/pick-up fee outside the city limits will be determined by the mileage required.

Rented merchandise is the responsibility of the Renter. Any merchandise not returned or returned damaged will be charged to the Renter. Please return all items on the following Monday by 12:00 p.m.

Renters will be charged a $15.00 late fee for all items not returned by the above time.