Our Day Program is designed to enable individuals to reach his/her maximum potential, which would allow each person served to move into the most independent setting possible and participate in society to the fullest extent of their capabilities. While at the Day Program, persons receiving services work on various developmental areas such as: self-care, self-direction, social skills, receptive/expressive language, learning and capacity for independent living.
Our Recreation Department works closely with Day and Residential Programs in developing a socially active day for the people we serve. We tour local businesses to learn about employment opportunities, attend paint parties, bowl, shop in the community and our dance, choir and hand bells groups perform in the community upon invitation. Also, we have athletes who enjoy competing in the National AARP State Archery competition and Special Olympics.

Following the Vaughn-Blumberg Services Day Program weekly schedule, cafeteria staff provide USDA lunches for all individuals receiving day and/or vocational program services. Up to 250 meals are prepared and served daily.
Transportation, Monday thru Friday, to and from the Vaughn-Blumberg Center is provided/coordinated by Vaughn-Blumberg Services (334) 793-3102.